So we visited the circus while we were in Guangzhou.. actually that was the main reason for going. And it was AMAZING! But pictures cannot describe how great it really was so i'm posting some videos! Still much better in person.. but it was fun!
They did a lot of variations of this.. but it was really cool to see them work together and have one fly off.
This was AMAZING! These guys are crazy!!!
Again examples of their craziness... if you cant tell they bring out jump robes.. and then later (not shown) they had blind folds on and kept doing more and more insane things!!!
This is where all the animals came out and walked in a circle. It's kinda sad.. but they are cute!!
So this is what the toilet(bathroom) is like at the circus. On one side of it there are squaters and the other side has the "western toilets". This was the bathroom i used and i looked up and saw that behind me was just open. So i guess you could walk behind all the toilets and just see people going to the bathroom.. kinda weird...
Here is me and Em! We went and got ice cream before the show and found a "circus freak" preparing. So we stopped and took a picture with her!.
Anyway, the circus was AMAZING!! i loved it and i'm so glad i was able to go!!